Category: Civil liberties

  • Webcamgate case resolved. Badly

    Originally published in The Guardian There’s a science fiction trope where aliens do something their unearthly mindset considers virtuous, but anyone with normal human emotions finds horrifying: “Smile, Earthlings! When we release our genetically engineered virus, you’ll only be troubled by the mating urge once per season – hey, why are you stopping us?” So,…

  • School webcam spies in land of liberty?

    Originally published in The Guardian First, the good news: even in these troubled economic times, there exist American public schools – like those of the Lower Merion district in the suburbs of Philadelphia – prosperous enough to distribute laptop computers to every kid enrolled in the high school. Now the bad news: school officials could…

  • A patriotic duty: repeal the Patriot Act

    Originally published in The Guardian The first thing you need to understand about the Patriot Act is this: Osama Bin Laden’s destruction of the World Trade Centre wasn’t the reason the act was passed; it was merely the excuse. The real reason dates back to the 1980s, when President Ronald Reagan demonstrated his principled commitment…

  • The TSA’s mission creep is making the US a police state

    Originally published in The Guardian Ever since 2010, when the Transportation Security Administration started requiring that travelers in American airports submit to sexually intrusive gropings based on the apparent anti-terrorism principle that “If we can’t feel your nipples, they must be a bomb”, the agency’s craven apologists have shouted down all constitutional or human rights…

  • Safe At Last From Teen Terrorists At Taco Bell

    originally published in the New Britain Herald and Bristol Press People of America, rejoice! I passed my Homeland Security check with flying colors, which means you can safely read my articles without worrying that you’re endangering the security of the homeland or anything. I’m serious. When I started working for this paper full-time, I expected…

  • Civil Arrangements

    originally published in the Hartford Advocate Civil Arrangements You can get a civil union, but no one is sure how to change your last name, even the people who wrote the law By Jennifer Abel Don’t you hate those annoying Sisyphus dreams where you keep trying to do some absurdly simple task, and fail again…

  • Bad Medicine

    originally published in the Hartford Advocate Bad Medicine The state may allow marijuana use for medical purposes, but there is still strong opposition. Should a pot-smoking paraplegic go to jail then? By Jennifer Abel There’s this guy Mark Braunstein in Waterford who’s living the intellectual hippie-Bohemian dream life: He’s on the faculty at a small…

  • Craigslist isn’t now free of sex – you just can’t pay for it

    Craigslist isn’t now free of sex – you just can’t pay for it Why should sex, alone among all forms of human interaction, be thought to spawn malignant magic when money changes hands? Originally published in the Guardian Power corrupts. Even the high ethical standards of prostitutes would probably plunge down to near-politician levels if…